• Hidden Cameras/Lenses/Audio
  • Computer Forensics
  • Cell Phone Spyware/Hacking
  • Eavesdropping (listening bugs)
  • Computer Spyware
  • Email Spyware
  • Employee Espionage

Your business, home, car; everywhere you are, everywhere you go and every second of the day you are susceptible to being hacked and making your private conversations and communications known to those who may gain an advantage over you.

Don’t think for one minute it can’t happen to you. Everyday there’s news of political, corporate and domestic espionage in which private confidential (and often very embarrassing or costly) information and conversations are covertly obtained and leaked. Are you willing to take that chance, going unprotected from cyber-hacking and later regretting not investing in being proactive to avoid being the next victim?

Fortunately, there are solutions and preventive measures that can be taken to keep you, your staff and your company from being the next victim of cyber hacking. The technology and methods of cyber-hacks and protections are constantly changing and evolving. Don’t rely on yesterday’s technology for your continued security.

The choice is yours, protect yourself now from being hacked or deal with the consequences of not having protected yourself when you had the opportunity to do so. Mexico Investigations Services utilizes the most advanced counter-surveillance technology that will keep you secure from cyber-hacks and communication infiltrations. Call us now for a free, no obligation meeting to discuss your specific needs and demonstrate the latest counter-surveillance methods and equipment.