• Counter-Surveillance
  • Due-Diligence
  • Corporate Research
  • Court Document Research
  • Asset/Financial search
  • Background Checks
  • Employment Verification
  • Credit History
  • Civil/Criminal History
  • Residence Verification
  • Surveillance
  • Activity Checks
  • Locates

Is your company already in Mexico or planning to open soon? Do not allow the lack of due diligence to become a major problem. There’s a saying in Mexico “trusting is good, but not trusting is best.” Therefore one must verify and double check that your sources, contacts, associates, documents, contracts, assets, promises are legitimate/legal and without liens or conditions.

Consider placing key personnel occasionally under surveillance for a few days and discover for certain their personal routines, associations and habits. Is there drug use, alcoholism, gambling, promiscuousness, involvement in questionable or illegal activities? You must know for certain who you are dealing with!

Protect your investments. Call us for a discrete appointment to discuss the possibilities of installing hidden cameras and audio devices in key offices and locations that will give you the peace of mind knowing that those you confide in are making the right decisions.

Also, consider routine “sweeps” for hidden cameras and audio devices (bugs) around spaces that are supposed to be secure, your office, vehicles or personal space. The technology in conducting “corporate espionage” changes practically on a daily basis. Don’t rely on yesterday’s methods and technology.  Mexico Investigation Services works with the most up to date technology. Call us today for a free “sweep” of your office and to discuss what surveillance and counter-surveillance services are best for you and your company.